'Bones' star Tamara Taylor previews upcoming episodes and her new love interest

'Bones' star Tamara Taylor talks about what keeps her excited working at the show in its eighth season and the possibility of 10 seasons.

Tamara Taylor (l.) stars with Emily Deschanel (r.) on 'Bones.'

L: Jonathan Alcorn/Reuters R: Chris Pizzello/AP

October 16, 2012

No BONES about it, we’re not exactly happy that Fox is benching their popular long-running “crimedy” until November 5th to make room for the annual Fall Classic better known as the MLB playoffs. Which is precisely why we thought now might be as good a time as any to spend a little one-on-one time with star Tamara Taylor. Who was only too happy to spend a few minutes at a recent Television Critics Association Press Tour Party to preview the exciting new journey that awaits Cam throughout BONES season eight.

Full disclosure: I thought that your character Cam a bit short-shifted last season in terms of screen time. Thankfully, in a recent interview Hart Hanson alluded to some big stuff in store for Cam this season. Anything you can tease?
Tamara Taylor: Well i know for sure she’s got a new love interest which is very fun. apparently someone that we already know. so it could be anyone.

Do you have a preference of any of the available bachelors on BONES?
It would be so hard to choose because I love them all. They all have their individual quirks and charms, so I guess thank God for the writers… they’ll choose for me.

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Much has already been made about this season’s decidedly darker tone. Do you have a preference between BONES lighter and darker toned episodes?
I enjoy both. You know because there is gold to be minded on both sides and even when things are dark there is still that weird gallows humor that we get to sort of infuse into the episodes so I think it’s going to be an interesting season.

What would you say if I told you that Hart Hanson thinks BONES should run for a solid ten seasons?
WOW! I think all of us would be down as long as the writers kept on cranking out really great stuff.

And finally, aside from the obvious pay check (!) what keeps you excited going to work playing the same character day in and day out?
Do you know honestly, it’s the fact that I don’t know who my love interest is, I don’t know what my story lines are for this season, I have no clue and the writers do such a brilliant job of surprising us. They handle really really difficult issues with such a delicate finesse. We’ve hit a couple of walls. things that have been potentially dangerous and the writers have hurdled right over them and I think that’s what keeps us, as actors, excited.

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