Daniel Radcliffe's 'Victor Frankenstein' will reportedly be from assistant Igor's perspective

Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy will star in 'Victor Frankenstein' and the story will reportedly be told from the point of view of Frankenstein's assistant Igor. Daniel Radcliffe recently starred in the movie 'What If.'

Daniel Radcliffe will reportedly star as Igor in the movie 'Victor Frankenstein.'

Dan Steinberg/Invision/AP

August 11, 2014

As one of the long-reigning kings of the horror genre – both in literature and film – Frankenstein is a story that has been retold countless times already and will no doubt continue to get adaptations, reboots and sequels a long way into the future. This year’s entry, Stuart Beattie’s I, Frankenstein, failed to make much of a mark and performed pretty dismally at the box office, but next year director Paul McGuigan and screenwriter Max Landis will release their own spin on theFrankenstein story.

The new movie is based less on Mary Shelley’s original novel than it is on the Frankenstein myth that has emerged from decades of movies. James McAvoy (X-Men: Days of Future Past) plays the titular character, while Daniel Radcliffe (Kill Your Darlings) plays a new incarnation of the stock character Igor.

Since the movie can’t just be called Frankenstein (seeing as Universal owns the rights to that title), Twentieth Century Fox has now announced the official title and released a synopsis with some new story details. The movie will be called Victor Frankenstein (keeping it simple), but the synopsis (via Collider) suggests that Igor is the true protagonist.

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“James McAvoy is Victor Von Frankenstein and Daniel Radcliffe stars as Igor in a unique, never-before-seen twist on Mary Shelley’s classic 19th century novel. Told from Igor’s perspective, we see the troubled young assistant’s dark origins, his redemptive friendship with the young medical student Victor Von Frankenstein, and become eyewitnesses to the emergence of how Frankenstein became the man—and the legend—we know today.”

Victor Frankenstein isn’t the most exciting title in the world, but it’s understandable that Fox would want to go for something with a little brand recognition. The film also stars Jessica Brown Findlay (Winter’s Tale) as Lorelei, a trapeze artist who works at the same circus as Igor and becomes close friends with him.

The film’s concept certainly has a lot of potential. Since Igor wasn’t in the original novel, his backstory has never really been explored in any of the Frankenstein movies and it would be refreshing to see the master-servant dynamic changed up a bit. Here’s hoping that Landis and McGuigan are able to flesh the character out a bit… so to speak.

H. Shaw-Williams blogs at Screen Rant.