Can 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' satisfy fans' expectations?
When the first Avengers film came out, fans began to voice their wishes for their favorites to join the team. Will new characters satisfy fans of the Avengers films?

“Are you worthy?” That’s the famous question asked of anyone wanting to wield Thor’s famous hammer. It comes up again in one of the new teaser trailers shown after an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and has spawned many online threads as fans discuss which new characters might be in the upcoming film "Avengers: Age of Ultron."
Tomorrow, with the release of the Guardians of the Galaxy Blu-ray, Marvel Studios will release another teaser clip for the next Avengers movie.
In the first clip, we get a glimpse into a little Avenger downtime, wherein Tony Stark wants to heft the hammer and Thor casually lets him have at it. There is a moment where we can see Thor looking nervous as the hammer gives a little in the hands of Captain America, a superman in his own right.
Fans saw the film’s first trailer, followed up by an extended trailer featuring additional footage of Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, and Ultron this week on the video release.
Fans hungry for more information on the new film can express their preferences for what a perfect Marvel Universe would look like on a website called Ranker Comics, which gives fans an outlet for their Marvel fantasy league wants and needs.
According to the current results of an ongoing fan-favorite voting session taking place now, fans will be getting almost all that they desire and more from the new film.
Ranker has created an ultimate Avengers line-up, composed of the best and most complimentary characters from throughout the Marvel Universe, as well as the greatest Avengers villains and nemeses.
Here are the top 10 according to Ranker starting with number one: Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Black Widow, Black Panther, Scarlet Witch and Vision.
Most of the above will be in the new film according to the Internet Movie Database, which lists film information including cast lists for future releases.
The website ScreenRant also supplies stats on which traditional Avenger fan favorites who are conspicuously absent from previous films and the upcoming Age of Ultron, but are still fan favorites.
However, there is more to the Avengers than smart-mouthed Tony Stark, Hulk smashing, and Black Widow doing what Black Widow does.
That’s because the Avengers didn’t just pop into being with the first film in 2012, but have been around in print as a team since the early 1960s when Creator Stan Lee and Artist Jack Kirby did their take on the formula popularized by DC Comics’ Justice League.
“The initial Avengers line-up was considerably different than the one depicted in the film. Though both include Iron Man, Thor, and the Hulk, the comic book Avengers initially included Ant-Man and Wasp as well,” according to Ranker’s website. “Characters like Captain America, Hawkeye, and Black Widow – featured in the 2012 movie – would join the team later, as would dozens of other characters over the years.”
When the first Avengers film came out, fans began to voice their wishes for their favorites to join the team and the website now keeps a running tally of which Avenger is the top choice of fans worldwide.
No sooner did news of the Age of Ultron trailer hit Twitter than Ranker tweeted its suggestion based on fan votes on its website.
On the Avengers official Facebook page fans celebrated, yet still had a lot to say about what they wish would be in the upcoming film.
Jackson Clyde posted, “Avengers 2 looks great, especially Ultron himself! Why wasn't he in Lego Marvel Super Heroes?”
It appears that, even when fans get what they want on screen, they are left wanting a little it more.