Tardy parents get 6-year-old daughter detention

Tardy parents who drop their child off late in Texas face consequences — detention for their child. Kindergartener Brooke Loeffler has two days of detention because of her tardy parents, who said they have a newborn in the house.

Learning gardens help teach kids a love of growing and gardening. Here, third graders plant squash in the new vegetable garden at an elementary school in Conroe, Texas on March 27.

Jason Fochtman/Associated Press

April 17, 2013

A San Antonio-area elementary school is getting parents to bring their children on time by putting the kids in detention if they're late.

Even kindergarteners are on the hook.

The parents of 6-year-old Brooke Loeffler tell KENS-TV that their daughter was given two days of lunchtime detention because she was repeatedly tardy to school at Olympia Elementary in Universal City. Her parents say they have a newborn baby at home and are struggling to adjust their schedule.

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Brooke was placed in detention after three arrivals.

School district officials say the policy has worked with most parents.

Universal City is northeast of downtown San Antonio.