Baby in Popemobile takes honors at White House Halloween party

A toddler dressed as the pope was among hundreds of local schoolchildren and children from military families who came trick or treating at the White House on Friday.

President Barack Obama greets a child dressed as the Pope during Halloween festivities at the South Portico of the White House in Washington, Friday, Oct. 30, 2015. The first couple welcomed local children and children of military families to 'trick-or-treat' at the White House for Halloween.

(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

October 31, 2015

A toddler dressed like the pope and pushed along in a popemobile got the top prize at President Barack Obama's White House Halloween party.

Upon seeing the costume, Obama turned to the news media and declared "top prize."

The boy was among hundreds of local schoolchildren and children from military families who came trick or treating at the White House on Friday dressed as caped crusaders, furry creatures, princesses and other figures. At least one girl dressed as the first lady. Halloween is Saturday.

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The South Lawn was turned into an enchanted forest for the annual event.

Obama and his wife, Michelle, appeared as themselves and handed out White House Halloween Cookies and M&Ms, fruit bars, kettle corn, candies and baseball cards featuring their dogs Bo and Sunny.

Some cities and towns are featuring Halloween parades. As many as 10,000 people are expected to attend the Rutland, Vt., Halloween parade.

The 56th annual parade of costumed marchers, floats and candy takes place on Saturday evening.

Vermont Public Radio reports there's also a 5K race in the morning and runners are encouraged to take part in costume.

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The parade starts at 6:30 p.m. with members of a drum group dressed as skeletons leading the procession. The 90-minute parade includes 10 bands and 60 other entrants.

In some parts of the US, there's more concern about the trick than the treat. 

In Pennsylvania, Redner's Market, a Pennsylvania grocery store chain, recently displayed a sign stating that minors are not allowed to purchase eggs between Oct. 24 and Nov. 1.  

When teens buy eggs this time of year, "there's usually not a good outcome," Pete Bourey, assistant store director in Ephrata, Penn., told Lancaster Online.