Battlestar ambrosia salad

Ambrosia on board Battlestar Galactica is a drink. It's also a sweet summertime salad.

This super-simple, super-sweet salad of mini marshmallows, pineapple, mandarin oranges, and coconut makes a great summertime, grill-season side dish.

The Gourmand Mom

July 8, 2011

A few months ago, my husband and I embarked on a venture we hadn’t prepared for, a venture which will come to its inevitable end this evening. It began when we decided to watch the first two-part miniseries of "Battlestar Galactica." We never really expected to like it. We thought we’d just give it a try and move on with our lives. Seventy-five episodes later, we will watch the final episode tonight.

On the surface, everything about "Battlestar Galactica" seems to go against my normal television preferences. A sci-fi show about a bunch of people living on a battlestar, jumping through space and fighting against cylons?? Yeah, I think I’ll skip that one.

But, we decided to watch that first two-part miniseries. It was just sitting there in our Netflix queue begging to be watched. Well, those two episodes were enough to get us to watch the third and then the fourth. Before we knew it, we were 50 episodes into the series and heavily invested in the fate of the characters. Somehow, the show managed to make us forget we were watching something set in a distant star system, where half of the main characters were machines. Or are they people? The story is engaging, gripping, and relatable.

We could have watched the final episode last night, but I wasn’t ready. I needed the day to prepare to say good-bye to the well-written and wonderfully acted characters we’ve come to love; so multi-dimensional and complex, so very real. At this moment, I’m sitting here with the mixed emotions of both eager anticipation and devastation that you feel as you approach the final chapter of a really good book. Do you plow ahead to find out what happens or close the book to delay the inevitable end; to hold onto the story and the characters for a little while longer?

Even if the total premise of "Battlestar Galactica" turns you off, I encourage you to give the show a chance. You may be as surprised as I was. It is not really a sci-fi story about outer space, battlestars and cylons. It is a story about people. It’s about relationships, love, and values. It’s about dreams, courage and hope. It’s about a will to thrive and the perseverance to build a better future when faced with the worst of conditions. It’s about life and the things that make life worth living. Tonight’s final episode of "Battlestar" will be bittersweet indeed.

This recipe, on the other hand, is nothing but sweet. On board the Battlestar Galactica one of the beverages of choice is known as ambrosia. Their ambrosia is a bright green liquor of sorts, reminiscent of absinthe. The ambrosia I know and love is a “salad” of marshmallows, pineapple, oranges, and coconut. For me, ambrosia brings back vivid memories of summer days spent running around my cousins’ backyard, culminating with a delicious meal cooked by my aunt, usually composed of kielbasa, rice pilaf, salad in a slightly sweet vinaigrette, and our favorite part; ambrosia salad. Such a treat! This super-simple, super-sweet salad makes a great summertime, grill-season side dish!

Battlestar Ambrosia Salad

1 ( 10 ounce) bag miniature marshmallows
1 cup pineapple tidbits, drained
1 cup mandarin orange segments, drained
1 cup shredded coconut
1/2 cup sour cream
Marashino cherries, for garnish

Combine all ingredients (except cherries) in a large container. Stir. Cover and refrigerate for several hours or overnight before serving. Garnish with cherries. Serve cold.

Amy Deline blogs at The Gourmand Mom.

Related post: Cherry, Prosciutto, and Almond Salad

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