Avgholemono: Greek lemon and rice soup

Warm, hearty, and flavorful without being heavy.

Creamy Greek avgholemono soup with lemon, chicken, and rice.

Whipped, The Blog

January 12, 2012

What I find most interesting about avgholemono is how it looks and feels creamy, which is soothing, but it has no milk or cream in it. The carefully added egg lemon sauce is the secret to the milky broth. The lemony aroma and flavor adds brightness that seems to perk me up a touch in winter weather. 

Take your time when adding the egg mixture to the broth. Patience is not my strongest virtue and I have been known to hurry and as a result, find small scrambled egg bits in my soup.

There is no scientific proof that chicken soup helps cure what ails. Whether it is psychological or physical, I am quite sure that this soup has healing powers. Warm, hearty but not heavy, flavorful while being mild, citrus aroma to perk up the senses … it certainly can’t hurt.

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Avgholemono: Greek Lemon, Chicken, Rice Soup

6 cups chicken stock
1/2 cup white rice
2 eggs
juice of 1 lemon
1 boneless, skinless chicken breast (optional)

Bring chicken stock to a boil and add rice. If you would like some chunks of chicken in your soup, also cut the chicken breast into a few large chunks and add it to the soup. Cook covered over low-medium heat until rice is tender. Remove chicken breast. Chop or shred the chicken and set aside.

In a separate bowl beat eggs and lemon juice with a whisk. Gradually by the spoonfuls, add at least 1/2 cup of the hot stock to the egg mixture, whisking constantly. Be patient and add the warm liquid slowly to avoid cooking the eggs rapids.

Slowly add the warm egg and lemon mixture into the saucepan, stirring the soup constantly. If using chicken breast, return the meat to the pan. Stir over low heat to warm. Do not let it boil. Serve immediately.

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