American Idol Top 24: Who's best among the 12 boys and 12 girls?

American Idol judges presented America with their Top 24.  The fate of the contestants now lie in the hands of American Idol viewers.

American Idol judges, Steven Tyler, Jennifer Lopez and Randy Jackson listen to contestants audition. On Thursday, the judges selected the 24 semifinalists who will vie for viewer votes in hopes of earning a spot among the finalists.

Michael Becker / AP Photo / Fox

February 24, 2012

So this was it.  After weeks of auditions, tears, ambulances, and squeals of delight the contestants had given all that they could and it was time for the judges to fulfill their purpose and select the American Idol Top 24.  

With a year of working together under their belts, Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler, and Randy Jackson seem to have formed a more effective unit and for whatever reason, the producers didn't demand the judges throw a curve ball like the one Colton Dixon got upside the head last season.  Maybe it doesn't make for exciting headlines but it sure was nice to not feel the urge to throw things at the television this time around.  

Maybe American Idol producers figured that it would be wise to save the shockers for later in the season.  Remember how well the Pia Toscano elimination panned out for them last season?  The shocking vote resulted in a field day (or week) of intense publicity for the show.  Not to suggest that American Idol had anything whatsoever to do with the outcome of the votes . . . that would be dishonest.

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The fate of the Top 24 is in the viewers' hands and the viewers' hands alone.  Check out the list of your Top 24, do with them what you will. But here's this Idol viewer's evaluation:

The Boys 

 Adam Brock:  Meh.  The whole weeping over his daughter's picture and dedicating his every breath to her is getting old.  One minute, singing has been the only things he's ever wanted to do with his life.  The next minute, he swears he singing just for her.  OK, which is it?  American can't trust a waffler, just ask Sen. John Kerry.

Phil Phillips:  Ah, the unassuming Mr. Phillips who seems to have no idea just how talented or good looking he really is.  Here's hoping America can really appreciate this unique and fascinating artist.

Eben Franckewitz:  Eben is single handedly responsible for the deterioration of parent's relationships with their teenage sons the world over.  With the voice, face and demeanor of an angel, Eben makes the parents of real boys wonder where they went wrong.

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Joshua Ledet: Another Meh.  There's something about Joshua that brings Jacob Lusk to mind and that's not necessarily a good thing.

Reed Grimm:  Reed is the kind of guy you just can't take your eyes off of, which begs the question, who hired this kind of crazy to be their nanny? No matter, Reed's kind of crazy is meant for the stage and if America cares about the children, they'll keep him on the American Idol stage.

Aaron Marcellus: Wait . . . he looks vaguely familiar.  Isn't he that old guy, Leroy Bell, from The X Factor

Colton Dixon:  If he would only fully enunciate his words when he sings, we might actually be able to understand him and sing along.  Sometimes he borders on Robert "I-sing-like-I-have-no-tongue" Pattinson.  

Heejun Han:  The most hilarious and endearing contestant to grace the American Idol stage. Ever.  

Chase Likens:  Ummm . . . Chase seems like a nice guy . . . have we heard him sing?

Deandre Brackensick:  Well done, Deandre!  Way to persevere.  Unfortunately, Deandre may struggle identifying a logical fan base to play to.

Creighton Fraker:  Great, great artist. Anyone else see the Jude Law resemblance here? 

Jeremy Rosado:  Impressive voice and even more impressive manners and attitude.  He's one of those contestants that you can just feel good about voting for.  Unfortunately people don't always do the right thing.

The Girls

Shannon Magrane:  Still trying to figure out how that soul got into that package.  Unbelievable.

Brielle Von Hugel:  Her sense of entitlement takes away from any talent the girl might have.  She needs a dose of humble pie, stat.

Jennifer Hirsh:  There's no denying Jennifer is a powerhouse of a singer.  If she starts showing some personality she could really be a contender.

Hallie Day:  Hmmm.  She, too, is going to struggle with the likability factor. Maybe Jeremy, Heejun and Eben can coach Hallie, Jennifer and Brielle on how to be likable.

Jessica Sanchez:  Jessica has distinguished herself from not only the group of girls but from the talent pool as a whole.  She could go all the way.

Erika van Pelt:  If she stays away from the Adele songs and stops making those disturbing faces, she could stick around for a bit.

Baylie Brown:  Ah, Baylie, so pretty, so sweet, so talented.  The kind of girl all other girls secretly hate.

Chelsea Sorrell:  One of this season's three female country crooners.  Can she compete with doe-eyed Bailey and mini-Reba, Skylar Laine?

Haley Johnsen:  Haley hasn't left a big impression so far so she'll have to work extra hard come the live show on Wednesday.

Hollie Cavanagh:  

(Excuse us, while someone named Jodi with an "i", struggles with the inconceivable possibility that she spelled Hollie's name wrong all last season.)  

And we're back.

H-O-L-L-I-E.  Who didn't love watching her overcome her insecurities last season?  She's proven that she deserves to be in this group.

Elise Testone:  Elise is one of those singers who leaves it all out on the stage when she performs.  It will be interesting to see how the live venue impacts her vulnerability.

Skylar Laine:  Skylar worried that she might not make the Top 24 because the judges had already given a slot to another country singer, Chelsea Sorrel.  Has Skylar ever watched American Idol, specifically Season 10?  

So there you have it, a deep, compelling analysis of each of Season 11's Top 24.  Impressed?  Prepare to be amazed when we get to predictions!

Remember, the boys take the stage on Tuesday night for the first live performance of the season.