Nebraska Republican, Senator Mike Johanns, will not seek re-election

Senator Mike Johanns, former Governor of Nebraska, and former agriculture secretary under George W. Bush, announced Monday he will not seek re-election in 2014. Johanns said in a statement he wants to spend more quiet time with family.

Sen. Mike Johanns (R-NE) (r.) speaks to reporters after leaving the Mansfield Room following a caucus meeting at the US Capitol in Washington December 30. On Monday, Senator Johanns announced he would run for re-election in 2014.

Mary Calvert/Reuters

February 18, 2013

US Sen. Mike Johanns of Nebraska announced Monday that he will not seek re-election in 2014, explaining that he wants a "quieter time" to focus on his family following a busy political career that has included a stint as governor and President George W. Bush's agriculture secretary.

The Nebraska Republican announced in a statement that was retiring from the Senate after one term. He said he and his wife, Stephanie, had decided that the time has come "to close this chapter of our lives."

"During these many years, we have cherished our time together," the couple said in an email statement. "So as we think about the next stage of our lives, we want a quieter time with our focus on each other, our family and our faith. We are also confident that there will be many more opportunities to serve our state and our nation."

America’s loneliest generation? It may not be the one you expect.

Johanns joined the US Senate in 2009. He served as agriculture secretary under Bush and was Nebraska's governor from 1999 to 2005.

In a separate statement, Gov. Dave Heineman called Johanns "a remarkably outstanding public official."

"We are forever thankful for his commitment to serving our citizens, in particular, our farmers and ranchers, and our veterans," Heineman said.