Hillary Clinton Twitter debut: Bio claims hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, SecState

Hillary Clinton Twitter: The former New York senator and first lady sent out her first tweet on Monday under the handle @HillaryClinton.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks on stage during the 2013 CFDA Fashion Awards at Alice Tully Hall on June 3, in New York.

Brad Barket/Invision/AP

June 10, 2013

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has joined Twitter, describing herself as a "pantsuit aficionado" and a "hair icon."

The former New York senator and first lady sent out her first tweet on Monday under the handle (at)HillaryClinton.

In her first tweet, Clinton thanked the creators of the popular online parodies called "Texts from Hillary," and said, "I'll take it from here." She added a hashtag #tweetsfromhillary.

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The potential 2016 presidential candidate's profile page shows the infamous photo of the stern-looking Clintonwearing dark sunglasses and reading her Blackberry aboard a military plane.

Her biography section includes light-hearted descriptions like "hair icon," ''pantsuit aficionado," and "glass ceiling cracker." The bio ends with the letters "TBD," meaning, 'to be determined.'

After about three hours, Clinton had nearly 100,000 followers.