Scott Walker fires aide for racist tweets

Scott Walker, governor of Wisconsin, fired a campaign aide who posted two tweets demeaning Hispanics. Gov. Scott Walker is a potential Republican presidential candidate for 2016.

December 4, 2013

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has fired a campaign aide for making demeaning comments about Hispanics on social media.

Walker dismissed Taylor Palmisano as his campaign's deputy finance director Tuesday. The Republican governor made the move after The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel contacted his campaign about the Twitter posts.

In a March 2011 tweet, Palmisano said she wanted to choke a noisy library custodian whom she described as an "illegal mex." Two months earlier she had complained on Twitter that among fellow passengers on a bus "Nobody speaks English & these ppl don't know how 2 control their kids."

The newspaper reports that a Walker campaign spokesman says the governor and his campaign "condemn these insulting remarks."

Walker is up for re-election in 2014 and has emerged a potential presidential contender in 2016.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that in August, Walker removed Steven Krieser as his assistant deputy secretary at the state Department of Transportation after the Journal Sentinel contacted his office about Krieser's Facebook posts likening illegal immigrants to Satan in an extended rant.

Meanwhile, Palmisano issued a statement apologizing and saying she regrets "these offensive and irresponsible remarks."
