Online media awaits Obama VP announcement
August 22, 2008
While we wait for Barack Obama's announcement, what's everyone else doing?
Dan Balz over at the Washington Post is giving the Obama team two thumbs-up for keeping the secret:
Give credit to Barack Obama's team. So far they've orchestrated the vice presidential roll out deftly -- delaying it until the eve of the convention to assure that they dominate the last days before opening night with real news, while steadily ratcheting up the frenzy of speculation in the days beforehand.
Very creative writing by ABC's Jake Tapper:
Presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, is hours away from naming his running mate, with the corpse of Big Foot surging as a last-minute finalist.
The Trail Blazer bloggers at the Dallas Morning News tried calling Congressman Edwards:
If he's gotten a call one way or the other from Obama or his selection team, his staff ain't saying. Josh Taylor, his spokesman, referred the question to the Obama campaign, which ain't saying, either.
No text messages yet....
Ben Smith over at Politico is previewing a new Obama ad:
Obama's now moving quickly and harshly to define McCain with one of the classic political caricatures, that he's "out of touch." And he's using what has to be the worst visual of the cycle to do it: McCain in George H.W. Bush's golf cart.