McCain sells talking Joe Biden dolls on Saturday Night Live
Jake Turcotte
Who wouldn't buy a talking Joe Biden doll?
In discussing his opponent's sizable advantage in the fundraising department, John McCain announced he could only afford time on the QVC shopping channel -- with a stipulation.
"As part of our agreement with the QVC folks, we're gonna try and sell you some stuff," said Sarah Palin.
Saturday Night Live
Yet another wacky strategy on behalf of the McCain campaign?
No, only an appearance on Saturday Night Live. But, when your running mate appears on the show and it generates the highest ratings since 1994, perhaps if the top of the ticket goes on the show it could produce 1994'ish election-like results.
Whether that's the thinking or not, McCain made another appearance on the late night comedy show last night and mocked his campaign and Obama's in a skit hawking political wares.
Commemorative plates
First up, a collection of plates commemorating the 10 town hall debates that he and Obama participated in.
Doh! "They're blank; he wouldn't agree to those debates. Too bad. They're still nice plates," McCain said.
The Joe collection
The talking Joe Biden doll? That's part of a set of limited-edition Joe action figures including Joe the Plumber, Joe Six-Pack, and Senator Joe Biden.
"I take the Amtrak to work every day. Then -- after work -- I take it home. Let me tell you something about Joe Biden ..." said the doll after Palin (Tina Fey) pulled the cord.
"It's great if you want to clear out a party," McCain said.
"Or keep elk out of your yard," added Palin Fey.
McCain Fine Gold
The Republican nominee also offered up McCain Fine Gold with wife Cindy McCain making a cameo modeling the elegant jewelry.
"It commemorates the McCain-Feingold Act -- and also looks great with evening wear," he said.
White Oprah
Then the truth came out after all. The rumors of a rogue Sarah Palin having secret aspirations for her own presidential run? All true.
"Keep your voices down," she said whispering to a side camera. "Available now, we got a bunch of these 'Palin in 2012' T-shirts. Just try and wait until after Tuesday to wear 'em, OK? Because I'm not goin' anywhere. And I'm certainly not goin' back to Alaska. If I'm not goin' to the White House, I'm either runnin' in four years or I'm gonna be a white Oprah so, you know, I'm good either way."
A true maverick
In closing the segment, McCain attempted to seal the deal on his mavericky-ness.
"Look, would I rather be on three major networks? Of course, but I'm a true maverick -- a Republican without money."
Watch the video here.