Obama inauguration coming to a theater near you (Spoiler Alert)
Jake Turcotte
Is your one complaint that you can't see Keith Olbermann every day on an IMAX-like screen?
If so, we've got good news.
MSNBC announced that they will bring Obama's inauguration ceremony to the big screen – as in a theater near you.
So if you don't have a TV, or friends who have a TV, or a nearby Sears where you can act like you want to buy a TV, or if you just want to celebrate the inauguration in a larger-than-life setting, then you're in luck.
Obama and popcorn
The network announced yesterday that they've teamed up with Screenvision to broadcast the inauguration ceremonies next Tuesday in 21 markets nationwide.
The four-and-a-half-hour ceremony, which includes the parade, the inauguration, Aretha Franklin, and plenty of Keith Olbermann, begins at 11am (ET).
High def?
Although the broadcast will not be in high definition, MSNBC president Phil Griffin told the Hollywood Reporter that the quality will be fine.
"It'll look great," Griffin said. "We're thrilled about it."
All powerful
Why do this if 98.2 percent of all U.S. households own a TV? Omnipresence. Being everywhere. Saturation.
"We want to reach people we've never reached before," Griffin said. "We're going to do numerous things like that to get our name out there. Ubiquity is the name of the game in 2009."
Get yer tickets
According to Hollywood Reporter, you can get your tickets at MSNBC.com. We went there and couldn't find it yet. But give them a little time.
Spoiler alert: Barack Obama gets inaugurated as the next President of the United States.