Poll: Palin GOP favorite in 2012 - but pollster says poll has no value
A new CNN poll shows Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to be the favorite for the Republican nomination in 2012. The pollster goes on to say the poll has no predictive value.
Well it looks like a Palin presidency is guaranteed. And with the Conservative Political Action Conference heating up in Washington, DC, this is sure to cause great excitement.
A new CNN poll looking at the 2012 presidential election is out (which makes sense because President Obama only has 47 months to go in this term).
Smooth sailing
The results show Sarah Palin is the favorite to receive the GOP presidential nomination. So all she's got to do now is remain popular this year, and in 2010, and in 2011, and in 2012, raise a ton of money, win a bunch of primaries, and then get nominated.
You can't dispute polls. Pollsters have proven there is no better industry to be in when it comes to economic catastrophes. They never get laid off.
Just last week, there was one that had President Obama beating Jesus in a "who's your favorite hero" poll. (Not lying, here's that story).
The CNN survey showed the Alaska governor to be the preference of 29 percent of those polled. Mike Huckabee scored a close second with 26 percent opting for him. While Mitt Romney was the favorite for 21 percent of the respondents.
Louisiana Governor Kenneth the Page Bobby Jindal received nine percent of the poll (but this was taken before Tuesday night's spectacle).
No word on how Joe the Plumber fared. But he announced yesterday that he's not running in 2012. He's looking at a 2014 run instead. (Click here to read this story).
Value proposition
The true value of this poll? None. Even CNN's polling director called it worthless.
"So many things will happen between now and 2012 that this poll has no real predictive value," said Keating Holland.
OK. Thanks.