McCain saddened by Palin attacks but predicts resurrection
It's just like the old Huey Lewis song from "Back to the Future" where the occasional doo-wop performer sings about going back in time.
Because hearing John McCain this morning sticking up for Sarah Palin makes it feel like the 2008 campaign season again. It's like McCain has morphed into Marty McFly. And Palin is perhaps, George McFly. And the media, maybe, is Biff.
Then again, this analogy might be an abject failure.
Regardless, McCain -- appearing on CNN's State of the Union said he was "...saddened by the fact that there are still such vicious attacks on her and her family."
"I've never seen anything quite like it," he added.
When asked about the former governor's decision to step down, McCain said it was a decision he supported. "People make decisions, what they think is best for their own future, their state, the country and their family. And I'm not aware of all the influences," he said.
"Sarah, I think, made, clearly, the best decision," he added. "I think she will continue to contribute. I think she will continue to be a force."
As for the "vicious attacks" he referenced, there were no specifics. But Palin supporters could -- and have -- come up with a laundry list of grievances.
Is it the media's fault? Washington Post's Chris Cillizza was asked that question.
"I think there is a way to separate where the media has covered her aggressively and are there a lot of untrue and unsubstantiated rumors on blogs?" he said noting that he didn't want to disparage the medium as he pens a successful blog on the Post's website.
"Are there things out there that are unfair to Sarah Palin that are promulgated as truth? Yes. Has she given the media many reasons to be skeptical about the way in which she has gone about ending this phase of her political career and beginning the next? Yes," he added.
Of course the latest flap receiving much media attention was the rumor that Palin and former First Dude Todd were getting a divorce. This claim was quickly swatted down by a Palin spokeswoman yesterday. Click here to read about it.
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