McCain: Palin reading from hand no different than using teleprompter
Senator John McCain on Friday defended Sarah Palin's use of her hand to help her remember some key points at last week's Tea Party convention.

Just think of it as a flesh-colored teleprompter with some fingers on it... While speaking to reporters in Chicago, Senator John McCain defended Sarah Palin's use of her hand last weekend at the Tea Party convention.
Don't look to John McCain to join White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs in mocking Sarah Palin for reading from her hand at last weekend's Tea Party convention.
You might not even want to ask him about it. He got a little surly when reporters in Chicago broached the topic after speaking at an event for Congressman Mark Kirk.
Surly response
Although McCain said he was "entertained by the attacks" from the media and liberals, he didn't look entertained. He looked surly. Kind of like Chuck Norris before roundhouse kicking someone in the head.
"Which is more egregious?" he asked reporters. "Reading a word from your hand or from a teleprompter?"
Although "your hand" would probably be the right answer, none of the reporters spoke up. So he kept going.
"I continue to be entertained now by the continuing hysterical attacks on Sarah Palin who is very popular with a significant segment of the American people and I'm very proud of her," he said.
Biden and Palin
Vice President Biden, appearing on Larry King Live earlier this week, signaled he liked Palin as well. Although his assessment of her influence was different than McCain's.
He said her support came from a less than significant portion of the population. You can check out that article here.
By the way, how would you describe the Tea Party movement? Results from a FOX News poll might surprise you. Check it out here.
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