Biden touts success of stimulus bill. But on job creation, no one believes it.
Vice President Biden celebrated the one-year anniversary of the president's stimulus package Wednesday. But on the job-creation front, the majority of Americans don't see it.
Vice President Biden extolled the virtues of the stimulus bill, though many Americans seem to be saying, "I can't go for that. No, no can do."
Jake Turcotte/Staff (AP Photo)
When it comes to creating jobs, the public just ain't buying it.
Vice President Biden delivered celebratory remarks Wednesday touting the success of the president's stimulus package. It's been one year since President Obama signed the bill, and the two are out in force this week rah-rahing the benefits.
"I am probably preaching to the choir as to how beneficial it has been," Mr. Biden told a crowd.
Choir? Well, maybe if it's the size of Hall and Oates. Because the American public seems to be saying, "I can't go for that. No, no can do." (We very much apologize for getting that song stuck in your head).
A new CBS/New York Times poll shows that only 6 percent of Americans believe the stimulus package has created jobs.
Another 41 percent think it will create jobs. But 48 percent think it's a big fat zero.
So, America hasn't seen a big benefit and is split on its potential effectiveness – just like the two parties.
Mr. Obama and Biden claim that the stimulus package has created or saved 2 million jobs. Republicans point out that more than 3 million jobs have been lost since passage of the bill.
Nonbelievers should settle down, says Biden. He told CBS earlier in the day that the jobs weren't really supposed to happen this past year anyway.
The stimulus package "was designed to have two stages to it," he said. "We've only been halfway through the act, the job-creation portions are really loaded in the second half here."
Hey, when it comes to job creation, we're in favor of it. So follow us on Twitter!