We are how we sound: Accent, identity, and mutual respect

What do our voices say about us? “Say That Again?” is a new podcast series about how our identities and experiences shape how we sound – and how the way we speak can be a source of pride, resilience, and understanding. New episodes weekly beginning Feb. 25.

February 15, 2022

We often think of diversity in terms of the way we look: the color of our skin, hair, and eyes; how cultural heritage appears in clothes, in food, and on holiday calendars. 

But what about the way we sound? 

How we talk is the audible expression of our identities. It is shaped by our families, communities, histories, beliefs, and experiences. And, for better or worse, it signals everything from our intelligence to our trustworthiness, in ways that influence perception and change lives. 

Should the US give visas to highly skilled immigrants? Unpacking the debate.

Our new podcast “Say That Again?” shares stories of people learning to embrace, and even celebrate, how they speak: a Puerto Rican woman rediscovering her own history, an Indigenous family seeing and hearing themselves on TV for the first time, a Ghanaian immigrant finding confidence in the way he communicates, a community reclaiming their ancestors’ language, and more. 

Each story shows the strength and resilience it takes to face society’s biases about accent and language – and find pride and dignity in our own unique voices. 

Hosted by reporters Jessica Mendoza and Jingnan Peng.