April 16, 2008
Do you know your state holidays? Even Pulaski Day?
In the rest of the US, next Monday (April 21) may be just another date on the calendar. Not so in three states, where it's an official state holiday. In Texas, Monday marks San Jacinto Day, which celebrates the battle in 1836 when the future state won its independence from Mexico. In Maine and Massachusetts, meanwhile, the third Monday of April is Patriots Day and honors the colonists' role in the opening volleys of the Revolutionary War. It's also when the Boston Marathon is run. Such local holidays dot the American calendar. A selected few, with the dates and states where each is celebrated:
• Casimir Pulaski Day (Illinois), first Monday in March. Pulaski was a Revolutionary War cavalry officer.
• Town Meeting Day (Vermont), first Tuesday in March
• Seward Day (Alaska), last Monday of March
• Cesar Chavez Day (California and Colorado), March 31
• Arbor Day (Nebraska), last Friday in April
• King Kamehameha I Day (Hawaii), June 11
• Emancipation Day (Texas), June 19
• Pioneer Day (Utah), July 24
• Bennington Battle Day (Vermont), Aug. 16
• Alaska Day, Oct. 18