Miniskirt ban to take effect in Italian town
Miniskirt ban: The mayor of the southern seaside town of Castellammare di Stabia wants to ban football games in public parks and squares, blasphemy out loud, and 'very skimpy clothes.'
Demonstrators hold banners reading " Miniskirt with burka and suspenders", top left, and "Stop feminicide", bottom right, as they protest in front of Catellammare di Stabia's town hall, Italy, on Oct. 25. The mayor of the southern seaside town of Castellamare di Stabia wants to ban football games in public parks and squares, blasphemy out loud, and institute a miniskirt ban.
Franco Castano/AP
Just how mini can a miniskirt be?
If the mayor of a small Italian town has his way, law enforcement officials, and not fashion gurus, will be the ones to decide.
The mayor of the southern seaside town of Castellammare di Stabia wants to ban football games in public parks and squares, blasphemy out loud, and "very skimpy clothes."
The rules are expected to be approved by the city council on Monday.
Conservative Mayor Luigi Bobbio said that miniskirts and other provocative outfits will still be allowed as long as they are not too revealing.
"It's a matter of common sense, of common decency," he said.
A group of local female politicians is planning a protest in front of the town's city hall during Monday's vote. They have invited attendees to wear miniskirts.
The measures also include a ban on playing football in public spaces — Bobbio says these games often turn into fights — sunbathing or undressing in town, blasphemy and foul language in general. Men cannot go around shirtless, the rules say.
Violations can be punished with a fine of up to €500 ($700). If passed, the measures go into force immediately, Bobbio said.