Watch Live: DHS' Schneck on information sharing, critical infrastructure

Phyllis Schneck, the Department of Homeland Security's top cybersecurity official, talks about President Obama's recent executive order on information sharing at a Passcode-Center for National Policy event in Washington, D.C.

February 19, 2015

President Obama’s executive order pressing government and the private sector to better share threats in cybersecurity last week came with announcements by a host of major American firms -- from Silicon Valley titans Intel and Apple to consumer mainstays Walgreens and QVC --  that they would be adopting the administration’s framework for information sharing.

That move comes almost  a year to the day that the Obama administration first rolled out the nation’s first cybersecurity standards to protect critical infrastructure.

But will the administration’s standards be effective? Do they do enough to safeguard consumer privacy? Are the incentives strong enough to induce widespread adoption in the private sector? How does the administration look at critical infrastructure going forward?

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On Thursday, Feb. 19, the Department of Homeland Security’s top cyber official, Dr. Phyllis Schneck, will answer those questions and more at an event with The Christian Science Monitor’s newly-launched Passcode section and the Center for National Policy in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Schneck, the deputy under secretary for cybersecurity and communications for the National Protection and Programs Directorate of DHS, joins CSM and CNP to reflect on how the nation has improved its protection of critical infrastructure over the last year and what the White House and the administration are planning to do in the year ahead after Mr. Obama's announcements at the Stanford Cybersecurity Summit last week.

Below, you can find event speakers and relevant social media accounts to follow.


Dr. Phyllis Schneck, Deputy Under Secretary for Cybersecurity and Communications, Department of Homeland Security

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Andrew Borene, Federal Chief Strategist, IBM i2, @AndrewBorene

John Pescatore, Director, SANS Institute, @John_Pescatore

Perry Pederson, The Langner Group, @LangnerGroup

Harley Geiger, Center for Democracy and Technology, @HarleyGeiger

Scott Bates, President, Center for National Policy, @ScottBatesCT

Mike Farrell, Cybersecurity Editor, Passcode, @MikeBFarrell


@TrumanProject -- Truman NSP

@CNPOnline -- Center for National Policy

@CSMonitor -- CSMonitor

Event Location

Center for National Policy

1250 I Street NW, Suite #500

Washington, DC 20005