Watch: The new student privacy paradigm

Join us for a Privacy Lab talk on Wednesday, July 27 for a discussion on how the education industry is adjusting to a new student privacy paradigm.

July 20, 2016

Join Passcode and Privacy Lab on Wednesday, July 27 at 6:15 p.m. PDT for presentations and discussion around student privacy.


Speakers: Alex Smolen of Clever, Andrew Rock on iKeepSafe, and Jessy Irwin, an advocate for security, privacy, and trust.

Andrew Rock's talk: Helping Education and Industry Adjust to a New Student Privacy Paradigm

Educational technology has evolved rapidly in recent years, and privacy legislation has followed.

Despite new regulations, when it comes to student privacy, many school districts and educational technology vendors currently operate under a reactive paradigm — preparing minimally and responding to digital incidents as they occur.

In response to this phenomenon, iKeepSafe has carefully designed and developed programs and resources that aim to effectively help stakeholders readjust this paradigm, fostering a positive digital culture. These include privacy assessments, educational programs, and other accessible tools for educators and vendors.

Jessy Irwin's talk: Technology, Privacy, and Student Surveillance

Since 2011, billions of dollars of venture capital investment have poured into public education through private, for-profit technologies that promise to revolutionize education.

Some education technology products do little more than track and record every move students make in the classroom, grooming students for a lifetime of surveillance and turning education into one of the most data-intensive industries on the face of the earth.

This talk will examine how technologies make their way into the classroom, and discuss some of what can we do to help protect students who have no consent in this process.

Andrew Rock
Technology Policy Professional

Jessy Irwin
Security, privacy and trust advocate

Alex Smolen
Head of security and privacy

Wednesday, July 27, 2016
6:15 to 8:00 p.m. PDT

88 Colin P Kelly Junior Street
San Francisco, CA 94107
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More information and registration details can be found here.

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