What's there to do?
What do you do if you're bored -- go to a movie, watch TV, daydream, go to sleep? These may help for a time. But the fundamental need may be redirected thinking. Not diverted into other activities, but plumbing totally new depths. We aren't actually limited mortals. Thinking we are, we get wrapped up in that restricted sense of self and are likely to be depressed. In reality we are immortal children of a loving and vital God. We are profound ideas of limitless Love.
Human beings can feel secure and productive in this knowledge if they maintain it through significant periods of prayerful thought.
How do we do this? By taking the initiative as often as we can to challenge with spiritual truth what the material senses are accepting on our behalf. For instance, we can challenge the belief that an increase in one's years means a lessening of worthwhile activity. The fact is that man never stops developing, never stops expressing God.
We may also find it helpful to identify ourselves consciously, wherever and whenever we can, with the qualities Christ Jesus exemplified in his healing and teaching career -- qualities such as freshness, inspiration, integrity, vitality , and creativity. These qualities, lived on a daily basis, will help overcome boredom.
Even when we find ourselves alone, with no apparent activity, there's no need to feel frustrated. Making friends of beautiful thoughts is a truly satisfying occupation. God, Soul, gives us a limitless supply of such thoughts, which feed us spiritually. We need only be receptive to them to be helped by them. Mary Baker Eddy n1 writes these encouraging words: "Soul has infinite resources with which to bless mankind, and happiness would be more readily attained and would be more secure in our keeping, if sought in Soul. Higher enjoyments alone can satisfy the cravings of immortal man." n2
n1 Mrs Eddy is the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.
n2 Science and health with Key to the Scriptures,m pp. 60 -- 61.
If we long to use these beautiful thoughts in practical ways by helping others, we can turn to our Father-Mother Mind for guidance. The Psalmist prayed this way: "Shew me they ways, O Lord; teach me they paths. Lead me in thy truth , and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." n3
n3 Psalms 25:4, 5.
Becoming receptive to this divine source of intelligence, we cultivate inner resources of constructive ideas, which multiply with their unselfish use. Can we be bored when we're inspired with, and using, idead for helping one another? "The heart that beats mostly for self is seldom alight with love," n4 writes Mrs. Eddy.
n4 The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany,m p. 160.
Next time you're bored, why not draw on your vital resources of divine ideas. Turn away from apathetic or restless thoughts and adopt immortal ones. They'll bring contentment. DAILY BIBLE VERSE Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of they wings will I rejoice. My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me. Psalm 63:7-8