Talking about world events
Many readers of this newspaper are keenly interested in world events. They read the Monitorm and probably other periodicals, listen to the radio and watch TV to keep current. They talk with friends about diplomacy, politics, business, economics.
Can our views on these subjects be presented in a way that actually enriches those areas of activity? One of the most important thing we can do is to make an effort to understand compassionately all sides of an issue and to talk with restraint in favor of reason and patience. This can be a deeply helpful basis for sharing our views. The Bible approves it: "The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment." n1
n1 Psalms 37:30
Occasionally, though, some of us may stubbornly hold to a narrow, ignorant opinion and passionately push away other points of view. We may even express in our words the very passions that in other situations could lead to disturbances or violence.
Unyielding words and thoughts based on human perception seldom give us much real peace. They may stir up heated arguments and even health problems. They certainly do little to comfort others who may be honestly searching for peace about some agonizing world event.
How can we learn to speak more moderately and constructively about world events? We can pray. Prayer can reveal how to think -- and talk -- more correctly about ourselves and others.
In God's reality, man is not a mortal, confronted with a turbulent world. He is an immortal idea, an eternal reflection. Because he ism Deity's reflection, man is loving, wise, and intelligent, never opinionated or narrow-minded. To see ourselves in this way -- to know ourselves more clearly as God knows us -- is to yield to the Christ, the eternal, life-giving idea that God expresses in man. The Christ corrects human consciousness and lifts it higher. It gives us increasing glimpses of our true selves and of the genuine universe, created and controlled in harmony by God.
When we yield to the Christ, events that previously may have enraged us alert us instead to the need for more prayer. Our thoughts become more humble, balanced, restrained. Stubborn and even profane convictions begin to moderate. Ethnic or political biases way more and more to tender love for mankind. We talk less belligerently and perhaps even less often. We listen more. We become less sure that our personal opinion is always right and more sure that through divine inspiration there is a right that will appear and prevail if prayerfully protected. We find we want less to persuade other of what we personally believe and more to let God persuade us of what He knows.
People sometimes don't like moderation and restraint.They think these are signs of weakness or indecision. Sometimes that is true. But as this newspaper so often shows, it is not always true. When moderation and restrain -- true meekness - have their source in God, not in mortal will, they have great power. As Mary Baker Eddy n2 writes, "Meekness, moderating human desire, inspire wisdom and procures divine power. n3
n2 Mrs. Eddy is the founder of the Monitorm
n3 Miscellaneous Writings,m p. 360
While some readers of this paper are world political leaders, every Monitorm reader can be a moral leader for world peace. We can let the Christ replace the fire in our hearts and in our mouths with gentle, healing love. Such a tone will do wonders for us. It will also help more than we may ever know to set a peaceful tone for the world. DAILY BIBLE VERSE Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. . . . And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:5, 7