Emergencies can be met
A major need in emergencies is to quash fear. Fear is not an element in God's love for man. The Bible assures us, "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out ear.? n1 As a twentieth-century translator, James Moffatt, puts it: "Love has no dread in it; no, love in its fullness drives ll dread away."
n1 I John 4:18.
A highway patrolman called a Christian Science practitioner. He had accidentally driven a sharp twig through the white part of his eye.His co-workers urged him to see a doctor immediately. The man decided, however, to turn to God for healing.
The practitioner proceeded to destroy the fear through a prayer. He realized that man, because he is the expression of divine Love, God, can be aware only of consciousness actually present at any time, anywhere.
Seeing the nothingness of fear and yielding to the harmony of infinite Love is prayer that heals. The practitioner affirmed with conviction that God lovingly cares for man and that neither fear nor harm could touch man's true identity. He realized that god is in complete control, expressing intelligence, love, and peace in His children. He creates man perfect and free.
The practitioner also affirmed that man's true vision is not material but spiritual. Sight, like truth and love, is a constant gift of God. Seeing is as spiritual as loving and just as perpetual. It can't be impaired.
Through such constant alignment with divine Truth the practitioner clamed fear and began to feel Love's infinite power and strength to heal. He recalled these words from Science and Health with Key to the Scripturesm by Mary Baker Eddy n2. "god made man free." n3 He felt confident of God's power to erase the effects of the accident.
n2 Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science;
n3 Science and Health,m p. 227.
On the second day, the man reported that his eye was completely healed. The man was deeply grateful he had relied on God for healing.
Christ Jesus expressed to a profound degree God's purity and love. This enabled him to see man as the expression of Spirit, perpetually cherished in God's love and perfection. As a result, he restored the blind and crippled to health. He brought freedom to the sinner.
Jesus is our perfect example of how to heal through a clear comprehension of God and man. Through his teachings and life we find the way to prove that God causes only harmony, that He guides us in intelligent, health-filled paths.
Man is the immortal son of God. He is complete, fearless, and never makes a mistake. Divine Mind governs man absolutely. When we know this, through reason and prayer, we inevitably become more calm and healthy. But health must be established first in our own consciousness. When it is, the body inevitbly responds.
God's work is finished. Man's perfect state is already established and remains intact. so healing is within the range of everyone, right now, right where he is. It rides on the recognition of the Christ-power which comes from God. Emergencies can be met! DAILY BIBLE VERSE Be not afraid of sudden fear . . . . Proverbs 3:25