It's hard to beat a chimney sweep

Q. Is it true that colored newsprint is toxic when burning? Is there a safe creosote remover that can be used, thus eliminating the occasional need to hire a chimney sweep? A reader

A. According to our best information, we understand it is unsafe to burn colored newsprint.

Now about a creosote remover that will eliminate the need for a chimney sweep:

We wrote to R. J. Stabel -- and guess what? It turns out that the chimney sweep is a she, Roberta Stable of Tubac, Ariz., just down the road a piece from where I'm writing this column.

"I do not know of a safe and effective chemical cleaner for fireplace or wood-stove chimneys," she says. Chemicals, while removing soot, cause it to burn -- and this can be hazardous.

"Safety aside, chemical cleaners do not do a complete cleaning job.

"In a dirty fireplace the smoke-shelf area behind the damper has a pile of soot, which should be removed either by hand or with a specially designed vacuum cleaner."

A chimney sweep -- doing a thriving business, by the way -- still scrubs flues with hard-bristle brushes -- a large one for the flue costing about $20 and a smaller one for the rest of the job which lists for $5. The flue is cleaned by weighting the larger brush with 15 or 20 pounds and lowering it several times with a rope. Cleaning the firebox, chamber area, and smoke chamber is done with the smaller brush.

Last, the soot is scooped out of the fireplace from behind the damper.

"It is a nasty job," Ms. Stabel says.

"Chimney cleaning usually is not necessary in the average home, but should it become necessary, vacuuming by a commercial cleaning firm is the best and cleanest method," says Bulletin No. 1889, "Fireplaces and Chimneys," put out by the US Department of Agriculture.

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