Anderson How different?; A close look at man and record
Called by many names -- the thinking person's candidate, a spoiler, the television candidate, the man who can't win, the only choice -- John B. Anderson just wants to be called Mr. President.
Labels hang uneasily on the silver-maned congressman from Illinois, waging a "national unity" campaign.
His past, unknown to many Americans, is rooted in rock- ribbed Republican conservatism. But his popularity blossomed last spring when his candor captured dissenchanted and liberal voters from both major political parties.
Twenty years in Congress has taught him how to straddle fiscal conservatism and social liberalism.
Sixteen months on the presidential path has whittled his campaign of ideas to a hunt for free media in an effort to overcome dwindling funds and a loser image.
And an upbringing among Swedish immigrants and evangelical Christians in a small Midwest city has put a stamp of scholarship and Old Testament oratory on the "independent" candidate.
Monitor correspondent Clayton Jones, who traveled with John Anderson in the New Hampshire primary and in recent weeks, pulls together his record and the views of family and associates for an inside look at the man and his quest for the White House. He particularly examines the three C's -- his campaign, his concerns, and his character.
An in-depth look at the career of Republican presidential candidate ronald Reagan ran on these pages Sept. 30-Oct. 7. An assessment of Jimmy Carter's first term begins Oct. 16.m