News for the Traveler (3)
The Pousadas of Portugal, a network of 25 inns, are now more accesible to American travelers. Marketing Ahead, Inc. of New York will represent the Pousadas and serve travel agents and individual travelers. Reservation confirmations will be offered within 48 hours, whereas previously travelers were required to write to the individual Pousadas.
Many of the 25 Pousadas are renovations of old castles and monasteries, and are reasonably priced, with double rooms either $32 or $45 per night, including breakfast. One of the prettiest Pousadas is Pousada de Sao Filipe in Setubal, located on top of a hill in a 16th century fort, whose sentry towers and battlements overlook the picturesque harbor of Setubal. The Estremoz Pousada is the most luxurious of the 25, built in a reconstructed 12th century castle on the top of a mountain village.
For further information, contact Marketing Ahead, Inc. 515 Madison Ave., Suite 926, New York, New York 10022, or call (212) 759-5170.