You are important
Certainly many of us have felt at one time or another that our life had very little meaning. But in actual fact you and I have always been important, even indispensable -- and not just as cogs on a mindless wheel of material existence.
Man is the evidence that there is a God. We are actually (though the physical senses will never tell us this) God's man -- His clear spiritual reflection. God needs each of us to be His living witness. Without us -- that is, without the truem us, or God's own immortal expression of His infinite individuality -- God would literally be unknown. As mary Baker Edd n1 writes in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures:m "God, without the image and likeness of Himself, would be a non- entity, or mind unexpressed. He would be without a witness or proof of His own nature." n2
n1 Mrs. Eddy is the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.
n2 Science and Health,m p. 303
Man is not material. He is the idea of God, and this idea has a definite meaning, value, and purpose. Can any creation be forgoten before God? All the characteristics of God's nature are found in true, spiritual man. Our need in daily life is to search for understanding of such pure, anxiety-shattering truths and live them. As we do so, human life becomes more purposeful.
A person may announce himself a highly gifted painter or writer or musician. But if no picture, no literature, no music exists, where is the proof? Our calling is to bring out in every aspect of our lives the divine character that we in reality reflect. We need to make ourselves known as God's children by acting with intelligence, love, patience. Who would know about music if there were no songs?
Christ Jesus, who is mankind's greatest witness to God because he gave us the most perfect example of the divine idea, explained in the Sermon on the Mount: "Ye are the salt of the earth" n3 and "Ye are the light of the world." n4 These statements define our purpose on this planet and make clear that this purpose has a collective as well as an individual dimension. If we live just for ourselves, to bring out only our own relation to God, we do not complete Jesus' vision for us. We have an important role to play for mankind's salvation.
n3 Matthew 5:13;
n4 v. 14.
The harmony for which the world is longing must start in individual consciousness but find its perfect effect in all- embracing peace. No one is excluded. Seeing our God-given spiritual nature as "the light of the world" uplifts our desires and motives. Being conscious of our divine calling, we will be able to enlighten dim environments and sorrowful hearts. The more consistent our shining, the more gloom throughout the world will be destroyed.
We need not let timidity or frustration hinder us from being a true witness to God. In reality every individual manifests the divine will, intelligence, and strength. Jesus taught his followers their close relationship with God.He uplifted them to find their true nature as children of the one Father, who is Spirit. We are continually God's spiritual children and reflect His qualities forever.
We have much reason to prove his through glorifying the Father. He has given man dominion over all, and as we use this spiritual dominion in healing and compassionate correction of sin, we become a blessing for all the world. As we live the divine qualities, God's government becomes humanly understandable.We see and feel divine Love expressed in our real nature. We find that we and others show less narrowness and limitation. We prove little by little that no maternal traits, even those apparently deeplyingrained, can ultimately deprive a person of the abundance of divine inspiration and beauty.
Man is God's heir. All of us are appointed to express His treasures and to spread the light of divine salvation for all mankind. DAILY BIBLE VERSE The Lord shall greatly bless thee in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it: only if thou carefully hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all these commandments which I command thee this day. Deuteron omy 15:4, 5