Even a word
Early upon arising you walk warily. It is still dark. The house breathes more slowly. You open a window and drink in the quietness. It is your nourishment. Stand sometime with a single purpose in a crowd, but do not speak to anyone. Observe how transitory are the public currents. Realize your essentialness. There are moments that steer lives. As in the turning of a huge ship by one compass point. From that instant a small change gradually becomes a vast difference. And it doesn't take even a word sometimes or a slight motion of the wrist or hand. The refusal to endorse a policy or respond with hate can bring whole structures down. And so to fill yourself to overflowing with resolve is no longer merely desirable when you see the great power entrusted to you but rather a necessary part of your living. In this way you hold to that single purpose, and it shapes your days: that instant recognition of what direction means in terms of miles to be travelled. You're on course.