'One race, one realm, one power'
Is it possible to worship one infinite God and be prejudiced? Can we regard the redemptive, regenerative power of pure Christianity as being limited to certain ethnic and cultural groups, and still be good Christians? Is it either progressive or productive to think of certain races as ''masters'' or ''caretakers'' of citizens of other backgrounds?
The Bible states without qualification, ''All things were made by him (the Word of God); and without him was not any thing made that was made.''n1 When we are truly conscious of this fact of spiritual being, it is impossible to be prejudiced.
n1 John 1:3.
Christ Jesus brought to mankind the concept of God as universal Father. He taught that God's kingdom, His undisputed authority and control, is at hand. He proved that as the very image of our Maker, we actually live in this spiritual realm. And because, in reality, we're each the individualized expression of God , at one with Him, we're in harmony with one another. There's no conflict of interests under God's government. It's clear, then, that no bigotry and hate can enter the practice of true Christianity!
Shortly before his crucifixion, Jesus emphasized this point by praying for his followers in all ages, ''That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us.''n2 The realization of the inseparable unity of God and man leads progressively to the demonstration of the omnipotent power of good, available to all.
n2 John 17:21.
Jesus helped, loved, and healed members of all sectors of society - Roman, Greek, Jew, Samaritan. Most Jews of that day regarded the Samaritans as inferior. But this misconception of divine reality received a pointed rebuke through Jesus' encounters with Samaritans and his references to them in parables.
For example, in the parable of the good Samaritan, who is it that came to the aid of a distressed traveler, the victim of crime and robbery? The priest?The Levite? The socially elite? No! A Samaritan.n3 To a woman of this ethnic group whom Jesus met at Jacob's well, he taught that God is Spirit; that He requires a totally spiritual approach to religion and worship. The Way-shower discerned her need for moral redemption and told her of this need. In turn, she showed great receptivity, enthusiastically sharing with her countrymen what she had learned.n4 Of the ten men healed of leprosy, only one returned to acknowledge and express gratitude for the healing -- a Samaraitan. n5
n3 See Luke 10:30-37.
n4 See John 4:5-29.
n5 See Luke 17:12-19.
What is all this telling us?
Perhaps that God's saving love is never exclusive or limited. Learning to master our own thoughts from this basis, we'll drop inclinations toward domination and racism. Whatever may seem objectionable in other nationalities can be healed from this standpoint. Properly viewed, these errors are simply the objectification of the widely believed deception that man is a mortal, physical being, separate from God; that he is struggling for identity amidst intense pressure, competition, or indifference. But can this undo the fact of perfect spiritual being?
Referring to the twentieth century, Mary Baker Eddy,n6 a totally committed Christian, says.
n6 Eddy is the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.
'Tis writ on earth, on leaf and flower:
Love hath one race, one realm, one power.n7
n7 Poems, p. 22
Through this understanding we can do something positive - and indispensable - toward solving racial problems. DAILY BIBLE VERSE God is no respector of persons: but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him. Acts 10:34,35