Nicaragua closes newspaper
| Managua, Nicaragua
The opposition newspaper La Prensa has again been closed by the Sandinista government here.
Monitor Latin America correspondent James Nelson Goodsell writes that this closing is the most severe action yet taken against the Nicaragua's largest and most influential newspaper. It amounts to an indefinite suspension of the paper.
The closing comes in the wake of a clash between La Prensa guards and government-supporting demonstrators in front of the newspaper plant, but reflects the longstanding and growing confrontation between the government and La Prensa.
In addition to closing La Prensa, the government also announced Jan. 15 the cancellation of two radio news broadcasts, Cuarto Poder and Prensa Libre, transmitted by Radio Mil and Radio Catolica. This action continues a series of news broadcast closings ordered by the government in recent weeks. The government said the latest closings were the result of efforts by the stations to compare the ousted ''Somoza dictatorship with the present revolutionary government.''