For every taste and budget, a paperback
I Married Wyatt Earp: The Recollections of Josephine Sarah Marcus Earp, collected and edited by Glenn G. Boyer. Tucson, Ariz.: The University of Arizona Press. $4.95.
This scrupulously annotated compilation of two unfinished manuscripts left by the gunslinger's widow, grants the reader a rare glimpse into the life of a man who reflected a time when big business and the primitive laws of nature met openly.Like her contradictory husband, Josie Earp was as much at home in an unfurnished hut in Alaska as amid the comparative comforts of San Diego. But even after 47 years as his co-adventurer Josie found Wyatt beyond a simple summation. Sometimes she lapses into bias, sometimes she is caught out by inaccuracy.For the most part she is satisfied to present a detailed and balanced account of events -- and let them stand.