Healing -- God's promise fulfilled

Healing and restoration are major themes throughout the Bible. For example, Old Testament prophecy, referring to the Israelites, represents God as saying, ''I have seen his ways, and will heal him: I will lead him also, and restore comforts unto him and to his mourners.'' n1 And in the book of Exodus we're assured, ''I am the Lord that healeth thee.'' n2

n1 Isaiah 57:18.

n2 Exodus 15:26.

The New Testament abounds with the healing works of Christ Jesus. The fifth chapter of Luke, which includes healings of leprosy and palsy, tells of an occasion when Jesus was teaching a large number of people. The account states simply, ''The power of the Lord was present to heal them.'' n3

n3 Luke 5:17.

Can we yield any skepticism we may have as to whether the Biblical promise of healing relates to the difficulties we are coping with today?

I certainly used to have plenty of skepticism on the subject. I had to admit, though, that I longed to believe that healing through prayer could be effective. How poor mortals could do with some healing! Yet the promises seemed too good to be true.

Eventually I began to consider that everyone has a choice as to whether or not he will rely on prayer for healing. I hadn't really thought of prayer in quite that way - as a choice. At different times I had prayed prayers of panicky desperation, usually when in a tight spot, or when all other methods had failed. But to choose prayer - was this a safe and intelligent thing to do?

The point came when one day I made this choice on my own. For many years I had suffered from an acute form of anemia, and had been under a medical prescription that was intended to control the symptoms. A kind and conscientious physician had told me that I should expect to take this medication throughout my life to prevent the condition from worsening. But some friends had introduced me to Christian Science, and I was now reading the Bible quite regularly. I was impressed with the feeling of refreshment and energy it gave me. And the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, n4 strengthened my trust in the truth of Bible promises. On one page the textbook says: ''The promises will be fulfilled. The time for the reappearing of the divine healing is throughout all time; and whosoever layeth his earthly all on the altar of divine Science, drinketh of Christ's cup now, and is endued with the spirit and power of Christian healing.'' n5

n4 Mrs. Eddy is the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.

n5 Science and Health, p. 55.

I turned my thought away from the medical diagnosis and chose to discontinue the medical treatment. I looked expectantly to the Bible for a deeper understanding of God's allness, His power, and His promises to mankind. I also continued to ponder the spiritual ideas I found in Science and Health. Within a short time every vestige of the illness left, never to return. A few months later I was required to take a physical examination. A blood test showed no evidence of anemia or imbalance.

But even more profound changes were taking place in my character and outlook. I was growing spiritually in grace, humility, and joy. My skepticism was waning as I began to grasp the practicality of Bible truths and to appreciate the meaning of an intelligent, understanding faith in God and His laws.

Those who have found healing through spiritual means provide testimony of their experiences, and give others new ideas to consider. If you've ever been curious as to why someone faced with a physical difficulty would choose Christian Science and turn to God for healing, there is a coupon below that you can fill out to receive an introductory subscription to the Christian Science Sentinel. In this weekly magazine there are verified healings, written by those who experienced them. There are also articles that show the application of Bible truths to daily living.

The Biblical promise of peace, healing, and restoration is for all people, and can never be broken. It is operative today. DAILY BIBLE VERSE I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of they wounds, saith the Lord. Jeremiah 30:17

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