The Stoughton uprising
Three thousand people, young and old, rallied against a new pornography shop in the Massachusetts town of Stoughton.The basic eradicator of such blights on any community is the individual and social renewal of morality that eliminates the market for them. But, until this occurs, America needs more examples of what might be called the Stoughton uprising.
It was a candle-bearing, interdenominational vigil by people fed up with smut on their doorstep. They were exercising their right of free assembly against a judge's ruling that the shop could open under the right of free speech. They are picketing the shop. Their town council voted funds for a legal appeal. Everything proceeds within the law.
It is classic Americana. Citizens speaking up. Citizens acting on their beliefs within a system that allows the tares and wheat to flourish - in the conviction that the tares will not finally prevail.