Record Guide
These capsule reviews of a few currently available releases are designed to help readers decide which records to buy. Inclusion does not indicate Monitor endorsement. Further reviews in the rock/pop category - as well as in other categories, such as classical and jazz - are published from time to time. ROCK/POP
Poco: "Ghost Town.'' Atlantic 80008-1. Poco has relied on the same formula for musical success for several years - a combination of strong melodies, rich harmonies, and rock energy. In 1979 this formula paid off as the group produced two hit singles, ''Crazy Love'' and ''Heart of the Night,'' from its album ''Legend.'' Its new album, ''Ghost Town,'' follows the same formula, though not as successfully. Most of the album's lyrics deal with the ups and downs of human relationships, while the music itself includes fast-paced rock songs, slow ballads, and country-influenced tunes. The title cut, an instrumental tune that brings the album to a close, is one of the most beautiful songs on the album. Called ''High Sierra,'' it puts you high in the mountains and sometimes far out on the plains. ''Ghost Town'' is short of fantastic, but far from dull - a good album for the soft-rock enthusiast.