Amateur frequencies

One way to catch the flavor of amateur radio is to tune in the amateur frequencies - a pastime that requires a general coverage shortwave receiver capable of tuning from 2-30 MHz, or a VHF/UHF scanner capable of receiving 144- 148 MHz and 420-450 MHz. The following is a partial list of amateur bands. Generally, frequencies for single sideband (SSB) voice communications are found near the high end of each band. Morse code is used toward the low end of each band.

Band Frequency (in megahertz) 160 meters 1.80-2.00 MHz 80 meters 3.50-4.00 MHz 40 meters 7.00-7.30 MHz 30 meters* 10.050-10.150 Mhz 20 meters 14.000-14.350 MHz 16 meters+ 18.068-18.168 MHz 15 meters 21.000-21.450 MHz 12 meters+ 24.890-24.990 MHz 10 meters 28.000-30.000 MHz 2 meters 144.000-148.000 MHz 70 cm 420.000-450.000 MHz * Approved for use under 1979 World Administrative Radio Conference (WARC) treaty, this now is available to US amateurs. Meanwhile, 40 other countries have opened this band to their amateurs.

+ Approved for amateur use in '79 WARC treaty, but unlikely to be used by amateurs until 1986 or beyond.

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