Are the odds against finding a job?
Statistics may sometimes lead us to believe that this is the case. But to those looking for productive work, the Bible speaks with compassion. Compassion, not pity, for the Scriptures show that we are not helpless little pawns in a huge economic game of chance. Isn't that what ''odds'' suggest? That good comes by chance? That only those lucky enough will find appropriate jobs?
Let's examine that theory in light of Biblical law. The Bible is filled with references to divine law. For instance, Isaiah records God as saying, ''Hearken unto me, my people; and give ear unto me, O my nation: for a law shall proceed from me, and I will make my judgment to rest for a light of the people.''n1
n1 Isaiah 51:4
The Scriptures illustrate that God's law of good supersedes all other so-called laws - whether they be typed physical, social, or economic. To begin to grasp this divine law, we need to lift our view above appearances to what God knows of His creation and to what He causes. Since He is infinite good, He knows and causes harmony alone. He knows and causes man to be complete and forever employed.
When we steadfastly trust the divine law of good, a shift begins to take place - from limited, mortal thinking into God-inspired understanding. The results are gratifying. Daily needs are appropriately cared for.
Christianity is Science, not just hopefulness. ''Jesus of Nazareth was the most scientific man that ever trod the globe,'' writes Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science. ''He plunged beneath the material surface of things, and found the spiritual cause.'' n2
n2 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 313.
Jesus knew God's omnipotence so well that he was able consistently to demonstrate that power in healing. He understood that God's impartation of good is not a stroke of luck or a favor of chance, but is a matter of divine law. And his teachings enable us to overcome fear and demonstrate God's law in our own behalf.
To know and love divine law takes a willingness to conform to its demands embraced in the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount. As we live this law and realize that all individuals are equally loved and governed by God, we'll surmount the temptation to envy, covet, or depreciate. We'll be able to see the fallacy of competing for God's blessings, knowing that there is plenty of good to go around.
A friend of mine was able to prove these concepts during some pretty hard times. After leaving a position he felt he had outgrown, he couldn't find a new one. He and his wife didn't beg God to give him a job. Instead they prayerfully acknowledged that they were fully employed offspring of God, always utilized by Him. They did have moments of discouragement, but they clung to their growing understanding that God's man is fully employed and supplied by Him through divine law. Although jobs in my friend's field were considered to be scarce, a good one opened up for him. And when, three years later, his position was cut, he found an even better and more satisfying job.
Was he lucky? No, he had proved the validity and practicality of divine law. He had patiently and quietly studied the Bible, and Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, to gain freedom from discouragement and from the notion of chance. During this time he gained a greater sense of security and overcame many fears and negative character traits. This work wasn't easy, but it was well worth it.
We may not find it easy facing new employment challenges either. But if we are looking for work, we ought to be ready and willing to work at gaining a deeper understanding of divine law as Jesus taught and lived it. He said, referring to the people's concerns about food and clothing: ''Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.'' n3
n3 Matthew 6:33.
You can do this seeking of the kingdom and law of God, and demonstrate that law in terms that will meet your employment needs. There are no odds against you. DAILY BIBLE VERSE O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day. Psalms 119:97.2