Finding work
Looking for a job? According to recent headlines, you have lots of company. But we need not fear the competition. Why? Because every individual is precious to God and is needed by Him.
The Bible declares: ''Thus saith the Lord that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. . . . Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee.'' n1
n1 Isaiah 43:1, 4.
Christian Science, in harmony with Bible teachings, reiterates this thought as applying to all of us. It maintains that man is indispensable to God as the Father's offspring, as the very expression of His own nature. Man, as God's - Spirit's - image, is not really a corporeal entity with a mind and life separate from his creator. Rather, he is incorporeal, spiritual, eternally cared for under the government of the one perfect divine Mind.
Defining the importance of man to God, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, writes: ''God, without the image and likeness of Himself, would be a nonentity, or Mind unexpressed. He would be without a witness or proof of His own nature.'' n2
n2 Science and Health with Key to Scriptures, p. 303.
Knowing that our creator needs each one of us, we can approach our job hunt with more confidence. We're no longer wondering if there's a place for us; rather, we're going forth expectantly to discover the place that's already ours.
How do we find our niche in the job market? Why not ask divine Mind - the Father who created and cherishes us - to show us the way? Following the example of our Way-shower, Christ Jesus, we can turn with utter humility to our Father Mind for guidance.
God, as the infinite Principle of the universe, knows nothing of employment offices or application forms. But he does know our distinct, spiritual individuality as He created it. He knows His offspring to be forever employed in expressing His nature. Because this is divine law, the invariable, spiritual fact of our being, we'll be impelled in exactly the right direction when we turn to Him in silent prayer. God ''speaks'' to us through inspired thoughts, leading us step by step.
If we're truly trusting divine Mind to guide us, we'll be willing to forsake preconceived notions and biased human opinions. Omniscient Deity outshines a limited, mortal view of things.
The first few jobs I had after graduating from college illustrate how our Father leads us in sometimes surprising but always fruitful ways. I had prayed in my senior year to know where my talents might be needed. As I listened humbly for divine guidance, a specific idea came forcefully to mind.
I was led to apply for work in a federal program that entailed teaching underprivileged children. I was accepted, and assigned to a place that to me was ideal - the Virgin Islands. Unfortunately, I only lasted a few months on the job. I was stunned and disappointed to be dropped from a program that had seemed so right for me.
Again, I turned with all my heart to God for direction. I held persistently to the thought that my creator did have a purpose for me and would reveal it. As a result of prayer, I felt a strong impulsion to stay where I was and not return home. In about a month I found a job in one of the hotels on the island that was very different from the kind of work I had expected to do. But it turned out to be wonderfully productive and enjoyable. When I did return home a year later, I brought with me practical skills that enabled me to work for one of the finest hotels in a major American city. There have been other twists and turns in my career, but this series of events stands out as a beacon of Mind's unfailing guidance.
What a comfort it is to know that God loves and needs each one of us. As we humbly listen for His direction and obediently follow the path pointed out, we'll find the work that's most appropriate for us. DAILY BIBLE VERSE For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven . . . . Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalms 119:89, 105