Fowler-McCracken Commission
The Fowler-McCracken Commission has an ambitious goal - ''achieving economic renewal in the 1980s.'' This commission, comprising some 90 government officials and ''thought leaders'' from both the Republican and Democratic Parties and from both the public and private sectors, had its origin in President Ford's administration and the support of President Carter's administration, and it came into full operation during the first year of President Reagan's administration.
Sponsored by the International Management and Development Institute, a nonprofit, educational institute headquartered in Washington, the full name of the commission is the Fowler-McCracken Commission on Improving Government-Business Cooperation in the Conduct of US International Economic Policy. The commission, which aims at bringing about a concerted effort by leaders in government, education, business, and labor, hopes its efforts will be helpful in:
* Restoring US competitiveness, innovation, and productivity.
* Maintaining and expanding a free international trade and investment system.
* Charting a better course for energy.
* Ensuring national and international security.
* Realizing the potential of the developing world.
The commission has already issued two reports. It will back five regional ''leadership conferences'' in the spring as follows: New York, April 11; Los Angeles, April 14-15; Chicago, April 18-19; Dallas-Fort Worth, April 22-23; and Boston, April 25-26.
The commission works with more than 20 ''cooperating organizations,'' including the White House, five committees of Congress, the National Governors' Association, and leading business, educational, and economic groups in the US and Europe. The Christian Science Monitor is one of these cooperating organizations.