Sources for cleaners for sooty fireplace stone

Q. Our living room fireplace is faced with an irregular white rock which is stained by soot. How can we remove the soot? Martin P. Kuric, Richland, Wash.

A. Paint, hardware, or janitorial-supply stores carry several products designed to clean smoke stains from masonry. Check them out. Choose one that your dealer recommends and be sure to follow the labeled instructions to the letter.

ProSoCo Inc., 1040 Parallel Parkway, Kansas City, Kan. 66104, makes several fireplace and masonry cleaners. One is called Sure Klean Fireplace Cleaner. To the cleaned rock surface, apply a product that is equal to Sure Klean Limestone Restorer, which is designed to help prevent future sooting. The phone number of ProSoCo is: (913) 281-2700.

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