Glazunov, Alexander: ''The Kremlin,'' Op. 30; ''Stenka Razin,'' Op. 13; ''In Memory of Gogol,'' Op. 87. Bamberg Symphony Orchestra, Aldo Ceccato, conductor. (Arabesque AR 8091.) - Glazunov's name will be remembered in history for a few symphonies, an attractive violin concerto, and his pedagogic influence on Dmitri Shostakovich. His music was not startlingly original. At its best, it is tuneful , creates and sustains moods and tensions, and offers more than passing rewards to the curious. This album of lesser known pieces is, in fact, a splendid sampler of the composer's work. The symphonic tableau ''The Kremlin'' is a three-part study in musical pageantry dedicated to Mussorgsky and most reminiscent of him in the bell-pealing finale. The symphonic poem that excitingly recounts the tale of Stenka Razin is dedicated to Borodin. The Gogol tribute seems to have brought the darkest out of him in music that sounds rather less Russian than the other two works but seems more convincingly organized. The recorded sound on this Arabesque issue is first-rate, as are the performances. Ceccato conjures a mellow sound from the Bambergers that nonetheless packs plenty of wallop in the turbulent passages.