The healing power of Scripture
To look at the Bible as mere history, its value locked into an ancient time, obscures the very heart of its teachings. Such an approach minimizes the radical , present possibilities of Scriptural study. The book of Hebrews declares, ''The word of God is quick, and powerful . . . .'' n1 J. B. Phillips renders this passage, ''The Word that God speaks is alive and active . . . .''
n1 Hebrews 4:12.
The Bible not only records such events as the parting of the Red Sea for Moses, and the marvelous healing works of Christ Jesus; it tells us, in a sense, the story of our lives too. You can find yourself, and anyone else, right there, because the Bible reveals throughout its pages the elements of mortal thought that we all need to contend with in our pursuit of God's peace and harmony. Most important, you can find God in the Scriptures, speaking tenderly, reassuring you that He's here, right now, and always will be.
As we read the Bible it shows us what God is and what He does. What He was is what He is. What He did is what He does now and always. And what He does is care for His creation, for man whom He made in His image to express the perfection of His nature. God speaks to us through the Scriptures as the great I AM. This revelation of God is the living Word. The divine Word transforms our lives; it heals, comforts, and saves.
At one point in my life I had just moved into a new apartment when I was offered another one. Wanting to do the right thing, but unable to decide what that was, I turned to God, confident that He would reveal the right path to follow. I had often found divine direction in the Bible, and this was no exception.
In my study I came upon a verse that helped me - a simple incident in the life of a Bible character. This verse could have been viewed as just one more historical record in Scripture - perhaps significant then, but not now. It could have been judged totally irrelevant to my situation. But if I had approached the Bible with this thought, I might well have skipped right over the verse and missed out on the blessing that resulted. It wasn't the historical event that gave me my answer but rather the pure view of God and myself that the Scripture provided at that moment. I was assured of my unity with God, of His tender love, watchful care, and control over all. I felt as though God was speaking to me as in the Biblical passage ''I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.'' n2 With this view of God, I got my answer, and knew it was right to move.
n2 Jeremiah 29:11.
The rightness of that answer became very evident when, after moving at the end of the month, I went back to the old apartment for the last time. It was full of water! A huge water pipe in the wall had burst, the wall had collapsed, and the apartment was flooded. If my things had still been in there, many of them would have been ruined.
So, instead of just reading aboutm God in the Bible, we can commune withm Him. If you think study of the Bible is tedious or irrelevant, try approaching it with this perspective. If you don't know where to begin, search the Scriptures with a specific need in mind, as I did. If you've already tried that without success, don't give up! Take a look at the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scripturesm by Mary Baker Eddy. n3 This book can assist you in gaining a spiritual sense of the Word, and it will send you back to the Bible with open arms. ''The Scriptures are very sacred,'' writes Mrs. Eddy. ''Our aim must be to have them understood spiritually, for only by this understanding can truth be gained.'' 4
n3 Mrs. Eddy is the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.
n4 Science and Health, p. 547.
Over the centuries, receptive hearts have found comfort, guidance, healing, and joy in the living Word of the Bible, and you can too. DAILY BIBLE VERSE Whatsoever things wwre written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope Romans 15:4