A new competition
After all the hard work of the literary weather reports, relax. All we want now are some very contemporary cliches to replace phrases that have lost their punch (see what we mean?).
In the age of space, high-tech, and natural foods, there must be something better than ''straight as an arrow,'' ''going like 60,'' ''the greatest thing since sliced bread,'' ''between the rock and the hard place,'' or ''so quiet you could hear a pin drop.''
A computer-prone colleague suggests ''so quiet you could hear a system crash.'' What do you suggest? Please address your updated cliches - no more than three per entrant, please - to The Home Forum Competition, The Christian Science Monitor, One Norway Street, Boston, MA 02115. All entries become the property of the Monitor. Only those received by Nov. 10 can be considered for the announcement of award certificates on Dec. 5.