Making the right choices
Nearly everybody wants progress, whether on the individual, local, national, or international level. But in times of rapid change, it's sometimes hard to tell which developments are progressive and which aren't. And we may long to know how to make the right choices.
The Bible includes many accounts of people who faced difficult decisions that often meant the difference between life and death. These accounts show that the individuals who allied themselves with God were protected, even when things got rough.
In the Old Testament when the Isarelites, obeying God's command to seek the Promised land, were pursued by Pharaoh's soldiers, who could have foreseen that the Red Sea would open so the Isarelites could get to safety? n1
n1 See Exodus 14:8-29.
We, too, can experience God's tender care and direction even if everything else seems unstable or uncertain. We need however, to be clear about who and what God is. As Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, says, "To ascertain our prgoress, we must learn where or affections are placed and whom we acknowledge and obey as God." n2
n2 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 239.
Christian science teaches that God is universal and infinite, not the deity of a partiular race or nation. He loves all of us equally, and we all have ready access to Him through prayer. His nature, Mrs. Eddy saw, can be described by seven synonymous terms either stated or implied in the Bible: Mind, Life, Truth, Love, Soul, Spirit, Principle. Actually, man's purpose and being are purely spiritual, because Spirit is his Father-Mother. This spiritual man is our true nature, which expresses the harmony and perfection of the divine nature. And our true selfhood is brought to light as we express such Godlike qualities as intelligence, love, purity, lawfulness.
God isn't a remote deity; He is present everywhere. In fat, as His sons and daughters, we are inseparable from Him no matter what changes wer seem to be going through humanly. If we actively identify ourselves as truly being children of God, under His law of good, making choices will become easier and more certain.
For instance, as infinite Mind, God is the source of all intelligence and wisdom. When we need to make a decision, then, be it large or small, we can turn to this Mind in prayer, knowing that as its reflection we express divine intelligence. In this way, we gain the direction we need. Realizing that God is Principle, we can expect to be led into activities that are good and upright, bringing joy to our families as well as satisfaction to our custromers and associates. And as we understnd that divine Life is the source of all being, we see more clearly that a truly satisfying life is based not on matter but on Spirit. Then we will be more likely to look byond llimited material goals in our work and relationships.
This is just an outline of how identifying fying ourselves as God's children and seeking to express spirtual qualities can have an impact on our lives and help us. As we do this more and more, we will be following in a small way the steps of the master Christian, Christ Jesus. even in the midst of the deepest trouble, facing death, he was able to prove that following God is the key to life.
He knew that his teachings would lead people to the permanence and stability everyone ongs for, expecially in times of great change. He told his listeners, "Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken hime unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock; and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not; for it was founded upon a rock." Those who didn't put God first, however, would be like "a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: and the rain descended , and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and geat was the fall of it." n3
n3 Matthew 7:24-27.
DAILY BIBLE VERSE lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day Psalms 25:5
If we consciously choose to build our lives on spiritual goals and ideals and make a real efort to be obedient to God, we are building on rock. Then, even if the winds of change do howl, we will rest in our "house," secure in God's love.