News In Brief
| Ann Arbor, Mich.
Teen-age use of marijuana sagged to '75 low last year
A national study indicates daily marijuana use among teen-agers dropped sharply last year to its lowest level since the government began keeping figures in 1975.
The study, prepared for the National Institute on Drug Abuse by the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research, also showed an overall drop in the use of other illicit drugs over the last several years.
''These data confirm that the unparalleled increase in the extent of marijuana use between the 1960s and 1970s has ended and that the 1980s represent a period of leveling and decline in drug use,'' Dr. William Pollin, director of the institute, said.
''The fad of drug values has changed,'' said Lloyd Johnson, a social scientist at the institute. ''Using drugs was an 'in' thing, but now it is an 'out' thing.''