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| Moscow
Kremlin-watchers see signs of power struggle
A Kremlin power struggle is apparently under way between the new Communist Party chief, Konstantin U. Chernenko, and Politburo member Mikhail S. Gorbachev, according to Western diplomats.
They based their speculation on the publication Thursday of an official report covering the proceedings of the Central Committee meeting Monday which endorsed the nomination of Mr. Chernenko as new party general secretary.
The report reveals for the first time that Gorbachev, who is seen as having secured the No. 2 position in the Kremlin hierarchy, delivered a brief speech to the meeting.
Diplomats who read the address said it was in effect an appeal from the leader of the defeated faction to party officials to forget their differences and work together. One analyst noted that the fact that the speech came to light only now ''indicates that there are probably still serious divisions within the leadership and that a power struggle is continuing.