Holiday competition awards
Too many verses earned certificates in the holiday Home Forum Competition for all of them to be printed on Feb. 6. Herewith the additional recipients and their ''false starts'' to '' 'Twas the night before Christmas, when . . .'': 'Twas the night before Christmas, when Aunt Dolly came by To tell us the plans for the Fourth of July. ''We'll have chop suey and chitlings, the traditional dishes, Goulash and gazpacho and gefillte fishes. There will be seasonal music, patriotic and brave: Big Band, C. and W., R. and B., and New Wave. We'll dance the Zorba, break a pinata or two. Just simple invitations - I'll write a haiku. Alongside of Old Glory, motherhood, and apple pie, There's nothing more American than the Fourth of July!'' Kirk Tharpe, Shreveport, La. 'Twas the night before Christmas, when I felt my spouse Might be spending her way to the nearest poorhouse; The twenties and fifties were spent with great care, In hopes there'd still be something to spare; The presents sat ready, all wrapped in red, While visions of credit cards danced in my head. Now, Visa! Now, Express! Now, Master Charge! On, bills! On, dunner! On, disaster large! Notwithstanding we'll praise Him aright; Merry Christmas to all; collect it they might. Richard O. Hyland, Vesper, Wis. 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all 'cross the nation Thoughts of feasts, frills, and bills vied with true veneration. While the children were hoping they'd find 'neath the tree All the advertised toys they had seen on TV, The moms were recalling the tussles so wild In the stores where they shopped for that Cabbage Patch child; And the dads were concerned if the bills would get paid That accrued from the ''Charge!'' of the Shoppers' Brigade. Yes, we celebrate Christmas, the greatest of seasons, But why do we do it for all the wrong reasons? Naomi Ruth Wheeler, Kirksville, Mo. 'Twas the night before Christmas when throughout the town People opened up beer and were drinking it down. They forgot the spirit of Christmas and what it all meant, They were trying to forget how to pay the next rent. They put up no decorations to make the place glisten, And no one told stories 'cause no one would listen. The children were fighting, because they all knew Santa wasn't really coming and the place was a zoo. If they had only gone to church, then they would have seen The true meaning of Christmas was not to be mean. Missy Baker (15), Columbus, Ohio 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, except for a mouse. With a shiny new mixer, the mouse whipped a mousse To give to the cat for their making a truce. ''Mr. Mouse,'' purred the cat, ''you're a fine diplomat.'' Squeaked the mouse, ''Merry Christmas, for your mewing that.'' Dorothy Ellen Hoel, Oakland, Calif.