The New England Newspaper Association has just honored The Christian Science Monitor with a special commendation at its ''Newspaper of the Year'' awards presentations. The citation reads:
''At this time, the judges wish to issue a special commendation to The Christian Science Monitor. This newspaper is in a class by itself, offering excellent staff coverage of news from around the world. . . . From cover to cover, The Christian Science Monitor is incisive, informative, and thought-provoking, marked by clear writing throughout.
''The judges commend this special of all special newspapers for its commitment to consistently literate, cogent, and cosmopolitan journalism.''
The Monitor was also honored by the association in 1982.
Somewhat farther away from Boston, within the next few weeks the Monitor will be adding another London-based correspondent. David Winder, who has been developing third world coverage for this newspaper from Boston, is going to become our London correspondent, and David Willis, who has been London correspondent since he left Moscow three years ago, will pick up the third world beat from a London base. This rotation of correspondents will offer a fresh assignment to both of these veteran reporters. Mr. Willis recently wrote a series on international drug trafficking that took him to Washington, Miami, Colombia, and all the way across the crescent of the Middle East to Pakistan. His wide-ranging interests make coverage of third world issues a fitting assignment.
Mr. Winder's rotation to London comes at a time when we are thinking particularly about the Monitor's weekly international edition, which domestic readers have probably not seen. A substantial part of this edition is sold to readers in the United Kingdom. Since its inception, the edition has been made up solely of articles already printed in the daily editions of the Monitor. We plan to introduce to it a certain amount of London-based material that will add something to our coverage of both the British political and cultural scene. During the past few months, Pamela Marsh, who first edited this edition when it was introduced in 1976, has moved back to again become its overseer and editor. Like the domestic editions of the Monitor, the international edition is edited entirely in Boston.
At the turn of the year the Monitor took another step in recognition of the increasingly interconnected nature of the nations on this globe. David Francis, who had served with distinction as business editor for 10 years, became our international economics correspondent. While he will continue to cover news of major economic importance in the United States, his major role in the new assignment is to uncover, highlight, explain those major international economic issues that most of us still need to catch up on - the questions of international trade; the growth of worldwide banking; the development of major new economic centers in such faraway places as the Middle East or Singapore; the structure of world debt; and so on. John Yemma, who had been in the Middle East for several years and on the Business Page since the summer of 1983, was named business editor to succeed Mr. Francis.
Through the development of both the third world beat and the international economics beat, the Monitor is devoting reporting resources to subjects that are issue-oriented rather than structured along the traditional lines of a geographical assignment. We anticipate that over time this will enable our correspondents to inform you even better about the subjects that are vital for an educated citizenry in a modern democracy to understand, if they are going to be able to fulfill their functions as alert, thinking individuals sensitive to others' needs as well as their own.
One in a series of occasional communications with our readers.
Richard A. Nenneman, managing editor